
TenCate Targa-Light™ CXP-400 TL (Ergo)

TenCate Targa-light™ CXP-400 TL (Ergo)

TenCate Targa-light™ CXP-400 TL (Ergo) is the premium lightweight, handheld, portable shield offered by TenCate Advanced Armor. It is shaped ergonomically and provided with special handles to alleviate user wear. The shield weighs only 8.5kg in its operational weight, and is prepared to mount a range of auxiliary equipment such as cameras (D/N/IR) and lights (LED/IR/Laser). 

TenCate Advanced Armour France

TenCate Advanced Armour France
Send me an email +33 474 795 050


Product family Targa-light
Protection against 7.62x39 PS BALL (MSC)
7.62x51 M80 (NIJ III)
Protection standard NIJ level III 
Shape Ballistic shield 
Weight 8.500 kg / 18.74 lb