Press release: TenCate Advanced Armour is pleased to announce the launch of its new TenCate Multi-lightTM CXP461IC Basic Light plate and the additional Operator and Breacher plates.
Press release: TenCate Advanced Armor is pleased to announce the achievement of the designated aerospace AS9100 certification for its manufacturing and program office facilities in Hebron, Ohio.
TenCate Advanced Armor is proud to announce its presence at the 20th edition of Milipol. Meet us is at stand E 200 to discuss your personal protection needs.
Press release: TenCate Advanced Armor introduces the TenCate CratusTM hard body armor portfolio in a new lineup, which holds a more diverse range of certifications, to match future military, law enforcement, and Federal Agency requirements.
In this edition, we will take up the subjects of SOF vehicles, naval vessels, and personal protection, all of which depart in the shows that TenCate Advanced Armor will attend during the fall.
TenCate Advanced Armor is pleased to announce its presence at AUSA 2017.
TenCate Advanced Armour UK will new to a new office in Bristol. The UK team will start in their new office on Tuesday, August 1st.
Press release: TenCate Advanced Armor Receives Endorsement from US ARMY Maneuver Center of Excellence for TenCate ABDS Sentinel X Active Blast Mitigation System to Combat IEDs
In this edition, we will talk about TenCate ABDS and how it can be the new life-saving technology that will significantly decrease casualties among deployed troops exposed to IEDs.
TenCate Advanced Armor is conducting its annual market survey. Let us know what is important to you.