
TenCate Multi-light™ CXP-461 IC Torso

TenCate Multi-light™ CXP-461 IC Torso

The TenCate Multi-light™ CXP-461 IC Basic Light plate is by itself up to 25% lighter than currently marketed AK47MSC plates and reflects TenCate Advanced Armour’s commitment to decrease individual operator load while providing essential protection. The complementary plates offered in the system leverages the protective capability of the Basic Light plate to reach a protection level against higher classified threats. This provides the individual operator the possibility to tailor ballistic protection level on a mission-by-mission requirement, equips the individual operator for a broader range of operations, and decreases the need for units to inventory plates for specific operational requirements.

In conjunction (IC) plates require additional soft armor as stated in each product’s data sheet to provide the promised anti-ballistic capability. IC plates cannot be used in stand alone (SA) applications and cannot provide the required level of protection unless used in conjunction with soft armor.

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TenCate Multi-light CXP461IC

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09 Nov 2017

TenCate Advanced Armour launches world’s first body armour plate system adaptable to different threat levels at Milipol

Press release: TenCate Advanced Armour is pleased to announce the launch of its new TenCate Multi-lightTM CXP461IC Basic Light plate and the additional Operator and Breacher plates.


Product family Multi-light
Protection against 7.62x39 PS BALL (MSC)
7.62x51 M80 (NIJ III)
Protection standard NIJ level III + 
Shape SAPI 
Thickness 1.30 cm / 0.51"
Weight 0.880 kg / 1.94 lb