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    Hard body armour technologies

    At TenCate Advanced Armour, we have been developing hard body armour solutions for close to three decades. During this time we have worked with numerous materials and material combinations to achieve landmarks in ballistic performance and weight savings. We continue the trajectory and continually test and validate new materials from our trusted material suppliers, from new suppliers in the market and new technologies. This has resulted in significant weight savings for user, ultimately freeing up mobility, maneuverability, and stamina to provide a tactical advantage.

    Our background in composite manufacturing generated the first significant weight savings in NIJ III and NIJ III + 7.62x39 MSC plates as ceramics back then were an underdeveloped field. Based on the new threat scenarios, we have also partnered with several ceramic suppliers to increase the performance of their ceramics. Coupled with our developments in fibre processes, we have succeeded in developing a complete new generation of ceramic hard body armour plates with more than 33% weight saving in comparison with earlier generations. 

    We continue our development to generate weight savings for the operator. Further developments are already in the pipeline to bring about a new generation of lightweight NIJ III + SS109 plates. Based on our users input, we are also taking up two new tracks to support their operational needs. We are already in the process of adapting the new technologies and get the plates certified in accordance with the requirements in the VPAM standard, as well as adapting and cerifying new generations of stand-alone plates. 

    If you have a need for a plate that are not shown in the catalogue, don't hesitate to contact your local TenCate Advanced Armour representative. We have many more designs and options available as off the shelf solutions.

    Viewing options for tactical shields

    NIJ 04 vs NIJ 06 vs VPAM

    Partnership potential

    Partnerships are an important aspect of TenCate Advanced Armour's approach. Partnerships have the potential to create synergies and develop new opportunities which expand our and our partners’ footprint in the global defence industry. We build partnerships throughout our value chain to include as many partners as possible.

    We are well aware of our core competences and how we can transform these capabilities to support our customers. We are also well aware of where we can benefit from including partners in the chain to include your competences. Raw material suppliers, integrators, and industrial partners can all add value to a shared value chain that generates advantages for our end-users.

    Our partnerships take all kinds of shapes from simple informal relations to direct offset and industrial participation. The partnerships vary according to the needs, requirements, and local options available and often includes more than two partners. All kinds of tasks can be shared in partnership from simple finishing tasks to more complex technical support tasks. Depending on the partner we have, we can support local small and medium enterprises to grow through our partnerships while we also cover for liabilities and support in maintaining a high quality level through auditing. Our partnerships are standing commitments for us which offer our partners more opportunities and more business even after the initial arrangements have been concluded.

    We are always available to discuss partnership opportunities with you. Contact your local TenCate Advanced Armour representative for a discussion on the partners we are looking for in your area.

    Your contact

    About TenCate Advanced Armour

    • 1.000.000+ plates supplied in the last five years
    • 20+ years experience in survivability solutions
    • 20+ years experience in military, law enforcement and civilian protection requirements
    • 15+ years experience in complex international defence programmes
    • 6.000+ different ballistic solutions developed
    • 25.000+ vehicles protected
    • Capabilities in simulation, survivability analysis, engineering, and integration
    • Lightest solutions in the market against higher level threats
    • Extensive portfolio of tested and approved ballistic solutions
    • High customer satisfaction with product quality, delivery reliability, and documentation
    • Experienced programme management and sales staff
    • High manufacturing capacity for complex international programmes