Your global partner in hard body armour solutions

    TenCate Advanced Armour is a global partner for hard body armour solutions to some of the world's most demanding units. Based on several decades of experience in composite protection solutions, we have optimised weight saving, optimised ballistic performance, and provided tactical advantages to our customers.

    We can provide body armour plates to all requirements within the existing personal protection standards, or designed to stop threats not currently accounted for. Our facilities are capable of providing large quantities of hard body armour plates for large government programmes on short notice. Learn more about two of our plates or about our shields below. If you have more questions, feel free to contact your local TenCate Advanced Armour representative.

    TenCate Targa-light CX-400 TL VIP Briefcase

    TenCate Multi-light CX-800 IC

    TenCate Multi-light CXP-451 SA

    TenCate Targa-light Portable ballistic shields

    Overview of TenCate Targa-light tactical shields in NIJ and VPAM


    NIJ 0108.01



    HxL mm



    NIJ III + 7.62x39 MSC

    NIJ III + 5.56x45 SS109

    NIJ IV

    VPAM 6

    VPAM 7

    VPAM 8

    VPAM 9

    VPAM 10



    CX-200 TL

    CXP-300 TL

    CXP-402 TL

    CX-501 TL

    CX-802 TL

    CX-400 TL***

    CX-550 TL

    CX-650 TL***

    CX-751 TL***

    CX-850 TL***

    CX-902 TL


    CX-200 TL

    CXP-300 TL

    CXP-402 TL

    CX-501 TL***

    CX-802 TL

    CX-400 TL***

    CX-550 TL***

    CX-650 TL***

    CX-751 TL***

    CX-850 TL***

    CX-902 TL


    CX-200 TL

    CXP-300 TL

    CXP-402 TL


    CX-802 TL






    CX-902 TL


    CX-200 TL

    CXP-300 TL

    CXP-402 TL


    CX-802 TL






    CX-902 TL


    CX-200 TL


    CXP-402 TL


    CXP-805 TL

    CX-400 TL***

    CX-550 TL***

    CX-650 TL***

    CX-751 TL***

    CX-850 TL***


    Special shapes

    CX-200 TL


    CX-400 TL



    CX-400 TL








    CX-400 TL


    CX-400 TL


    * Available on customer request

    ** In development

    *** Ready for certification

    TenCate Multi-light Hard Body Armour plates

    Overview of hard body armour plates in NIJ and VPAM protection levels


    NIJ 0101.06 and NIJ 0101.04





    NIJ III + 7.62x39 MSC

    NIJ III + 5.56x45 SS109

    NIJ IV

    VPAM 6

    VPAM 8

    VPAM 9

    VPAM 10

    VPAM 12



    Stand alone

    CX-360 SA

    CXP-460 SA

    CX-503 SA

    CX-800 SA

    CXP-451 SA


    CX-751 SA

    CX-850 SA



    CXP-913 SA

    In conjunction with NIJ IIIA soft armour

    CX-360 IC

    CXP-461 IC

    CS-560 IC

    CXP-810 IC

    CXP-451 IC

    CX-650 IC

    CX-750 IC

    CX-850 IC

    CX-950 IC

    CX-909 IC


    Special shapes














    CA-900 SA

    CA-901 SA


    * Available on customer request

    ** In development

    *** Ready for certification


    VIP Shields

    FLASH V2 - Foldable shield

    Suitcase shield


    CX-400 TL - FLASH V2 

    11,0 ± 0,5 kg

    CX-400 TL  

    10,0 ± 0,5 kg


    470 x 1000 mm ± 5 mm deployed

    470 x 470 mm ± 5 mm folded

    450 x 1000 mm ± 5 mm protected area 

    470 x 900 mm ± 5 mm deployed

    470 x 350 mm ± 5 mm undeployed

    430 x 860 mm ± 5 mm protected area




    Protection level

    VPAM 6 

    VPAM 6 


    Ergonomic handle with double grip or arm strap

    Strap for carrying 

    Magnetic pull mechanism for deployment

    Decentralized side grip for easy deployment

    Velcro patch for identity badges

    Need more information?

    At TenCate Advanced Armour our goal is to achieve the highest level of protection for you and your team. If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please contact us. 

    Gerrit Isselman Sales Manager DACH & Benelux

    Gerrit Isselman
    Sales Manager DACH & Benelux
    Send me an email +31 651 765 734

    About TenCate Advanced Armour

    • 20+ years experience in survivability solutions
    • 20+ years experience in law enforcement and civilian vehicle protection requirements
    • 15+ years experience in complex international defence programmes
    • 4000+ different ballistic solutions developed
    • 25.000+ vehicles protected
    • Capabilities in simulation, survivability analysis, engineering, and integration
    • Lightest solutions in the market against higher level threats
    • Extensive portfolio of tested and approved ballistic solutions
    • High customer satisfaction with product quality, delivery reliability, and documentation
    • Experienced programme management and sales staff
    • High manufacturing capacity for complex international programmes

    Contact form

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